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Patch v0.0.30

Warning! This patch has a lot of changes in it. Please read so that you understand what changed! There will likely be issues, so please let me know when you find bugs so that I can fix them!


  • Defense is less effective: 2 points of defense is required to negate 1 point of damage. Previously it was 1 point of defense to negate 1 point of damage
  • Alivarg’s tower has now changed: There are leadup rooms, a miniboss, and ends with fighting Alivarg himself. The dungeon is now a 3 skull, UNTIL THE FINAL ROOM! The final room is a 5 skull fight, so be careful!
  • Upon defeating Alivarg, you will be able to interact with a prestige totem. This will collect your honor and reset your skill points. The leaderboard will use the aggregated score of how much you die with and how much you collected via the prestige system. Prestiging gives you a small honor bonus, this bonus won’t be used when calculating your high score
  • Stat progression has changed, instead of starting with the ability to max stats to their fullest, you now must upgrade your ‘Myth Board’ and purchase upgrades there (for honor). This means that your stat level may have been decreased, but you’ll be able to use honor to purchase those skill levels back
  • The skill tree has changed and a lot of new skills have been added. Skill points are now obtained by completing quests. Quests are in the form of: Defeat Pirate Cove, kill 12 centaurs, defeat Grim Ledshank, etc. You are no longer able to reset your skill tree. It must be reset on death or on prestige.
  • Strength, Dexterity, and Willpower are now used to scale weapon damage. Strength scales melee weapons, Dexterity scales ranged weapons, and Willpower scales magic weapons. Willpower will still scale your mana.
  • Objectives are now tracked per biome, so you’ll only get objectives for the biome you are in. You will also now see quests (green marker)
  • Bank slot depth is now set to 256 for everyone (no longer needing an upgrade), you will receive honor equivalent to what you spent for each of those levels
  • Add a setting to show/hide remote player HP bar


  • Minor: Anubis ‘U’ shaped room
  • hovering over cape slot
  • shurikens now say pierce
  • Some weapons not scaling with the correct stats
  • eldertree blessing put you in combat
  • fixed some item rarities
  • scroll bar on chat box
  • RNG was a causing crits to happen at similar times