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Patch v0.0.28

This week the most requested feature was more build diversity. I ended up spending a lot of time reworking the collision system to support beam-style weapons. But I did have some time to add at least one new item per setpiece. This wont be the end of work on build diversity, but should be an improvement


  • Setpieces now have a rare drop table, A lot of new items were added as a part of this - including beam weapons, slag cannons, and new magic weapons. Item tooltips will now show the boss name of where they are dropped.
  • Lesser setpieces now have a chance to drop the greater setpiece dungeon: (E.G. Hollow archer setpiece can now drop an ancient ruins dungeon. Elder scarab can now drop temple of anubis)
  • Most daggers now deal bonus damage when backstabbing
  • Items now have a rarity from Common to Mythic. Depending on boss, you’ll get different chest art as well
  • Reworked item tooltips to be a bit cleaner
  • Decrease teleporter purchase and blacksmith upgrade requirements
  • Completing an objective now pops up an ‘Objective Complete’
  • Staff weapons now scale their damage with willpower (scaled at 1/2 of additional willpower above level 1)
  • Added a small DPS tracker just below minimap. Also added some attack dummies for testing build DPS
  • Monsters in more advanced biomes now have some defense by default. To counter this, some weapons (hammers and crossbows) now apply ‘Fractured’ status effect which will reduce the target’s defense


  • Add landmark minimap icons back
  • Add lava to edge of ignarok fight
  • Increase total number of active setpieces