This week was the first week we ran a poll to see what people wanted. The highest voted item was to add more bosses that randomly spawn in the sphere. So this patch that was the main goal. The major changes are that setpieces no dynamically respawn, new sphere bosses were added, and an objective tracking system was included to help people find nearby bosses.
Features #
- Mythfall now has Rules! You can find them in the menu tab below patchnotes!
- Inside the sphere, your minimap will show the nearest ‘objective’. Completing the objective will give the character bonus XP. Objectives will be selected according to your characters level
- As a part of the objective system, setpieces will now respawn in new locations. Also, several new setpieces have been added.
- The crystalmancer shop has been added to the wizard’s tower! Players will now sometimes find crystal shards, which they can combine into full crystals.
- Lava tiles have been added, you can swim through them but will receive the burning status effect. Players can now dash over tiles like lava and water to avoid being slowed and taking damage
- The minimap has been improved and combined with the world map to allow for better navigation
- Hovering a locked teleporter in the minimap will now show the purchase requirements
- Player characters now have a special swimming animation for when they are in water or lava
Fixes #
- Fix bug where gravestones were not getting removed
- Fix bug where main menu mute button wasnt showing