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Patch v0.0.26


  • Balance Tweaks: All enemy projectiles do ~10 more damage, players are now given +1 HP Regen and get ‘Out of Combat’ and ‘In Combat’ regeneration. In of combat regeneration occurs every 5 seconds, Out of combat regeneration occurs every 2 seconds. To transition from In combat to Out of combat, you must not take damage for 10 seconds
  • Add new equipment slot type for capes. This also includes the addition of backpack items. Backpack items can be used to store additional loot items that you get from mobs. Once you put an item in a backpack, you can only retrieve that item by going to a bank and despositing your backpack.
  • Add new equipment tab to the player menu to give better stat explaination and skill point progress
  • Halloween event has been removed


  • Fixed bug where dash in place wasn’t working. Also fixed bug where you could dash out of a bind
  • Improve performance and memory usage for several systems
  • Fix a few hairstyles so that they still show with hats
  • Fix bug where broken crown was granting double explosions for staves and abilities.