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Patch v0.0.25

Halloween Event

  • WARNING: This event is dangerous, if you die in the arena your character will also die!
  • Enjoy Vesper’s Carnival! It’s a wave survival event which gets progressively more difficult. Collect Carnival tickets to purchase a few halloween themed hats! Event will last until the next patch. Thanks for playing!


  • Player and NPC resprites, added two new hair styles for girls
  • Players now spawn different grave types depending on how far progressed their character is
  • Dash is now interpolated for smoother movement
  • Teleporters now try to get placed in every biome (Note: In some cases some teleporters might be skipped)
  • You can now hover over players on the minimap and see their username
  • Decreased requirements for getting drops on alivarg fight. Also changed participation to not factor in your strength level, so that new players have a better chance of getting drops


  • Lavaforge crafting was broken
  • Improve projectile glow effect. Some projectiles now have new colors, but deal the same damage as before
  • Hovering over locked symbols now shows the biome the teleporter is in
  • Fix bug with shadowstep tome
  • fix bugs where projectile spawn effects were spawning in the wrong spot
  • Minor: Increase bow and scythe projectile speed. Add pages to necromancer’s garden dungeon tracker. Fix bug where you wouldn’t spawn with full mana

Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any issues.