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Patch v0.0.22

WARNING There are alot of balance changes, maybe play on an alternate account if you’re worried about dying!


  1. 10 Damage projectiles still deal 10 damage
  2. 20 Damage projectiles now deal 30 20 damage
  3. 30 Damage projectiles now deal 60 50 damage


  1. Added skill tree. Gain 1 skill point for every accomplishment: Reaching level 10, maxing a character stat (vit, wil, str, etc), and reaching every honor power of 2. Skill tree will temporarily be free to reset points on, until I’m a little more confident in what each skill will be.
  2. Unify game settings and guidebook menu into one menu with side tabs
  3. Add dungeon tracker menu to track dungeon clears: drops, times, and number of clears
  4. Bows, Daggers now deal more damage. Mythril throwing knife now also has the normal 5% crit
  5. New, unread patchnotes will now just automatically appear when you login


  1. Fix bug where all guests shared the same item collection log
  2. Collection log items will now automatically discover themselves from your bank when you log in

Let me know if you have any issues!