WARNING There are alot of balance changes, maybe play on an alternate account if you’re worried about dying!
Features #
- Rework HP (multiply by 10) and MP (multiply by 5)
- Most monsters deal 10x more damage
- Reduce damage iframes from 400ms to 200ms
- Minor Balance Changes: +1 mana regen every 5 seconds, New Stats: Willpower (determines MP) and Defense (Flat damage reduction). Some stat crystals have changed colors. HP and MP pots have changed, some ability rebalance
- A lot of menu and UI reworks to support better scaling across devices. Still somewhat of a work in progress
- Add guidebook and item tracking so that your account can track which items and recipes you’ve discovered
Fixes #
- Now building with Go1.23 which has some memory optimizations for web builds
- Improved chunk loading issue which would cause hitching when discovering new area (Note: This might be noticeable when you first load a new area. I’ll improve that eventually!
Let me know if you have any issues!