- New Dungeon: The Hanging Temple. It drops from the temple guardian which is a new area boss in the mountain! This is the very first 3 skull dungeon, so let me know what you think! The dungeon boss has the chance to drop a new item for each item slot. They also have a guaranteed speed crystal drop if you meet the damage threshold.
- New Tooltips for stats display (top left area, below health bar)
- Crafting menu changes: Now you can see all of the recipes, and a minimized display for their input - regardless of what is in your inventory. If you want to see the full recipe, you can bring at least one required item with you.
- Bug Fixes/Engine Work
a. Client has been improved to better detect network instabilities and connection status
b. Area bosses will no longer be placed right on top of teleporter beacons
c. Sometimes mobs who jumped would get stuck on rocks or other blocked tiles. I fixed their code so this shouldnt happen anymore